Tag: workout

Six Things You Need to Get Fit and HealthySix Things You Need to Get Fit and Healthy

fit and healthy

With being fit and healthy becoming an even greater priority, what is essential to achieving optimum wellness? Let’s break down the six key elements of becoming your healthiest self.

1. Achieve 150 minutes of exercise per week.

This may seem like a big number, per the American Heart Association’s requirements, but it can be broken down however your lifestyle allows. For many, this would translate into 30 minute sessions 5 days per week. Finding a good balance for you is key and always remember any exercise is better than none!

2. Set goals.

Goals are beneficial in keeping you motivated and on track. Whether it’s to lose weight, run your first 5k, build muscle/strength, or achieve better overall health, having a specific goal will give you something to aim for. You’ll feel pretty proud through the process as you see/feel changes along the way, too.

3. Find a personal trainer.

Similar to setting a goal, a personal trainer is there to guide you on your journey to become fit and healthy. They will keep you accountable, push you more than you might push yourself, and provide knowledge in helping you achieve your goals faster and more effectively. They are also there to instruct on proper form to prevent injury.

4. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

This may seem like a tough one for some but sleep is vital to both a healthy body and mind. Getting an adequate amount of sleep will keep your energy up, metabolism high, and help your body recover from your workouts. To determine the perfect number for you check out the CDC’s recommendations

5. Stick to proper nutrition.

Eating the right kinds and quantity of food is just as important as working out. You won’t become fit and healthy just by exercising alone. It’s important to focus on what you put in your body as well as out.

6. Up your water intake.

Just like food, water is essential in keeping you functioning. Some key benefits of adequate water intake include carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells, flushing out bacteria, normalizing blood pressure, cushioning joints, and protecting organs and tissues. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. So drink up!